Joan Hug-Valeriote

11am-4pm @ 178 Ferguson St.

Joan Hug-Valeriote is a quilt artist who has exhibited her quilts nationally and internationally, recently having had two quilts juried into Quilt Canada’s National Juried Show in Halifax.  She grew up on Alice St. at Valeriote’s Groceteria and Dee’s Coffee Bar, opposite the Northern Rubber factory before leaving for university in Toronto in the 60’s  followed by film-school in Paris, France and marriage in Switzerland.  Forty years later, after a career in film as a Continuity Supervisor and independent documentary producer/director,  four children and a teaching career in Toronto, she returned to Guelph and now lives and works in her Quilt Studio on Ferguson St. with her husband Andreas Hug.  Joan would be pleased to tell you stories about growing up in the Ward and about her quilts and quilting machines, including her Innova longarm machine.